Why choose Interstitial Systems ?
A New Era of Data Center Air, Liquid Cooling, Cabling and Wiring has Arrived
In today’s ever changing tech world having an adaptable infrastructure to meet unknown needs is a daunting task that keeps leaders up at night, especially doing so as a best practice and in accordance with codes and standards.
Selecting the right equipment is an analysis proposition that is constantly evolving. However, an effective, efficient, and reliable means of distributing services such as air, liquid cooling lines, power and cables is a decision that you’re stuck with for the life of the building, unless undergoing a major overhaul.
Interstitial is a unique, multi-level electro-mechanical distribution product that isolates wires and piping in its upper utility plenum from supply air in its unobstructed and virtually leak-free pressurized lower plenum. The system is easily adaptable from an air-cooled facility to one with any combination of air and liquid cooling that may arise.
Don't judge a book by its cover
A new era of Data Center air and wire distribution has finally arrived.

We split the entire underfloor space into two horizontal plenums, the top for wiring pipes and hoses, the bottom for air, making an efficient electro-mechanical distribution system.

Unequaled air distribution
Easy-to-install dampered chimneys channel supply air through the utility plenum and into the room, assuring precision air distribution to the top of each cabinet throughout the room regardless of size.

Weight distribution second to none
The unique “pyramid” design creates a room size truss improving load distribution on the slab by 40%

The time is now ...
A Multi-Level Electro-Mechanical Distribution System. Solving the Performance Problems Associated With Data Center Wiring, Piping and Air Distribution. A Logical, Simple, Efficient Solution.

Functional Value Features of a PracticalElectro-Mechanical Distribution System
Workers installed all of the power wiring for 232 cabinets in 1 day. Installation of piping, hoses and/or cabling is just as easy.
Without disrupting airflow or the structural integrity of the floor
- Unlimited Removal of Floor Panels for Easy Access
- No Top Stringer to Impeded Installation of Wires or Hoses
- Wiring is Isolated from the Airflow
- No Need for Plenum Rated Wiring
- Underfloor Piping is in Accordance with NFPA-75 2024
- Simplifies Work for Operations Staff, e.g. No Need for Ladders
- Faster Installation and Reconfiguration
- Eliminates Need for Expensive Overhead Wiring
- System is a Signal Reference Structure for EMP
- Effective Electrostatic Discharge Control
Whether the data center is air cooled or any variety of liquid cooling Interstitial works with all cooling methodologies
Pressurized Unobstructed Airflow
- Ventilation Effectiveness Regardless of IT Equipment Configuration or Room Size–Saves Energy
- Cools Various Cabinet kW Within the Same Aisle–Efficiency
- Precision Air Delivery to the Top of the Cabinets
- No Need for Costly, Burdensome Containment Devices
- Genuine N+1 Redundancy
- Use Fewer, Larger, More Cost-Effective Cooling Units
- HVAC Equipment is in a Separate Mechanical Equipment Room
- No Pressure Drop when Floor Panels are Removed
- No Air Leaks Through Cable Cutouts or Panel Joints
- No Minimum Distance from Cooling Equipment to Cabinets
- No Need to Change Sprinklers, Lights, or Smoke Detectors when Reconfiguring Cabinets
- VAV Control (Optional)
Demonstration proves air will move all the way to the top of any cabinet. This can be done at any airflow panel anywhere in the room
There is less than 0.10” of movement (with cabinets) in the X or Z direction with an Sds of 0.400 (Longueuil, Quebec). Ashburn, VA Sds is only 0.145
Additional System Features
Distributes air throughout the data center up to 200’ from the cooling equipment
- Saves White Space and lots of it. In on-slab air cooled data centers saving 30% or more in most instances (e.g. by reducing mechanical space and aisle widths)
- Reduces building height by up to 20%
- System meets seismic requirements throughout North America.
- The strongest floor structure in the industry
- 1,500 and 3,000# floor panels available
- Truss structure distributes the load on the slab over a 34% larger area
- Simple Bonding/Grounding of system
- System is a Signal Reference Structure (SRS)
- Floor panel surface material designed for ESD control
- No overhead wiring so no additional load to the roof or ceiling structure